Sunday, February 24, 2013

I am Afraid

I am afraid I will wake up tomorrow and all of this life will have been a dream. All of my accomplishments, growth, knowledge? Gone.

I am afraid that the dream I had when I was five will come true.

I am afraid of aliens. Especially when I am alone in my room in the dark.

I am afraid of getting hit on by awkward middle-aged men.

I am afraid of being allergic to gluten.

I am afraid that good music will cease to exist.

I am afraid of being normal.

I am afraid that I am of no worth to anyone but my family.

I am afraid of stapling my finger.

I am afraid of  losing my voice permanently.

I am afraid of being called out on doing something wrong.

I am afraid of not having love.

I am afraid of books being banned.

I am afraid of writing on wide-ruled paper.

I am afraid of paper cuts.

I am afraid of being led on. Again.

I am afraid of getting lost in a new place. Getting lost in old places is fine.

I am afraid of this.

I am afraid of you.

Pinned Image


  1. I am afraid that good music will cease to exist.
    I am afraid of books being banned.
    if these ever happen i might as well die
    now i'm scared

  2. i like the set up of this post. also stealing "i am afraid of being lead on, again." a lot of us can relate to this in many ways. i love it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Stapling your finger has to be one of the scariest things. At least I'm not the only one that thinks so

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm afraid of being allergic to gluten also.
