A man must be gentle, but teasing. He should tell his lady the little things he notices about her that he loves. He must be considerate of her, and himself. He should dress well. And every once in a while he should be romantic. He also needs to every once in a while do something completely boy-ish. he needs to know what color his lady's eyes are. He should touch her face and hold her head. Hold her head when he hugs her, when he kisses her, when he just wants to watch her speak. A man should be kind to others, except when they need to be taught a lesson. And a man should know the word of God and feel comfortable with it. He needs to remember things and keep the small moments in a special place. He needs to understand that a lady doesn't really know things about herself unless she's been told, and so he should do the telling. A man should hold her close when they dance. He should be willing to do the dishes. He should respect his Elders. He needs to be okay if she cries in front of him. He should read to her and want her to read to him. A man should know how to teach a child to tie their shoes. A man should dream big, even if his biggest dream is a seemingly simple on.e A man should enjoy just sitting and thinking, sitting and thinking as he holds a loved one near, no words needed. A man should be okay if his lady wants to wear just a t-shirt and jeans because she's having an off day. He should be okay if she has an off day and treat her all the better for it. He should like to eat cookies. He should listen. He should take risks. He shouldn't judge a differing opinion. A man should also talk and tell what is in his mind, his heart. A man should be okay with simple things, but also okay with not so simple things. He should write love notes. Or draw pictures. He should think of songs that represent things and communicate the meaning. He should allow himself to not be perfect.
And while a man could, or should be all of these things, he more importantly needs to be his own man, his own person that represents himself in the best way possible.
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